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Monitoring bots
Reporting bots
Complex integrations
Web automation
Financial data
API workflows
Checks if a set of URLs is present on Google, Bing, Yahoo and Yandex
Returns a list of first Google results for a provided set of search queries.
Scrapes Google Local results in bulk for a list of keywords
Displays a total amount of documents indexed by Google.
Shows Google search volume and CPC for a list of keywords.
Returns Pagespeed score for a list of provided URLs.
Extracts search hints from Google, Yahoo and Bing.
Retrieves emails from LinkedIn profiles based on location and keywords.
Scrapes ads from Google for a list of keywords.
Extracts data from Google Trends in bulk.
Retrieves a list of links from Google Images for a set of keywords.
Returns a list of websites that contain a certain image.
Extracts related keywords from Google Trends.
Scrapes Google Shopping Ads from search result pages
Checks a website's keywords rankings.
Returns adwords history for a list of domains.
Scrapes up to 500 search results from Google.
Scrapes People Also Ask and Related Searches phrases from Google
Exports locations by keyword within a specified radius.
Extracts images and their source URLs from Google Lens search results
Exports meta data and other SEO parameters from websites.

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