Phone, Email and Contact Scraper

No credit card required!
This is the older version of the bot. Consider using the latest version
Create a free account on Botster
Choose a bot and provide seed data
Start the bot and wait for completion
Download or share your results

About this bot

In short: This online tool will extract contact information from a list of websites.

Click to view the example results for a better idea of the output.

⚠️ The bot works smoothly with small to mid-sized websites, however, if you are going for larger sites with enabled bot/spam protection, the bot won't work at all. ⚠️

How to scrape phones and emails from websites? Video guide

Watch me walk you through the email and phone number crawler bot's setup.

A fast and simple email lead extracting software, this bot can be used for multiple purposes. 

You can easily grab the following contact details:

  • Emails
  • Cell and work phone numbers
  • Links to Twitter
  • Links to LinkedIn
  • Links to TikTok

How to scrape contact details from websites?

  • Sign up on Botster
  • Go to the bot's start page
  • Select the number of pages to visit (per site)
  • Select the contact types you would like to scrape (phones, emails, social network links)
  • Enter the links to websites. Each URL must go on a new line.
  • Click the "Start this bot" button.

That's it – the email and phone number extractor process has started!


Captcha and bot protection

It is known that the phone grabber bot won't be able to access websites in case they are using bot protection solutions such as CloudFlare, etc.


This email harvesting program is likely to have trouble parsing complex AJAX-heavy documents.

Software walkthrough

1. Open the Launch bot form

Click on the "Start bot" button on the right-hand side of this page to open the spider's form: 

2. Enter the details

Give your "Job" a meaningful title, and optionally specify (or create) a project folder:

Select the contact types you need to pull:

Specify, whether you would like the crawler to browse each site and scout for data, or just scrape details from a single specified URL:

Insert the URL list, from where we will be scraping contact details:

3. Set up notifications

Specify if you would like to receive a notification when the grabber completes the crawl:

4. Start the bot!

Click "Start bot" button on the right-hand side:

That's it! You will be taken to your "Jobs" section. The software is now working and will notify you once it's done. 

Data output

After the bot completes the job you can download your data as an Excel (XLSX), CSV or JSON file.

To use this bot you need to register or log in first.

Frequently asked questions

This tool scrapes contact details such as phone numbers, emails, and links to social networks from a list of websites that you provide.

After the tool delivers your results, you can download them as an Excel, CSV, or a JSON file. You can also export the data right into Google Sheets with a single click.

No, once you launch the bot, you can close the browser window. The bot will continue working and will send you an email or Slack notification, once it's done.

Phone scraper tools allow you to collect phone numbers from different websites automatically and download them as an Excel file.

Endpoint: POST

Request body:

input string or array of strings (required)
Start URLs

max_pages string (required)
Max adjacent pages
Possible values:

11 page
1010 pages
100100 pages
10001000 pages

contact_filter (required)
What you're looking for?

Version history

Version 1 - current page

Version 2

Pricing options

Scrape emails and phones

The bot will scrape emails, phone numbers and social media links from 250 websites.

  • 250 websites
  • 1-page per website
  • Emails
  • Phone numbers
  • Social media links
  • Excel or CSV file
3750 credits~$3.70

Scrape emails and phones

The bot will scrape emails, phone numbers and social media links from hundreds of pages of 100 websites.

  • 100 websites
  • 100 pages per website
  • Emails
  • Phone numbers
  • Social media links
  • Excel or CSV file
9900 credits~$9.90

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