Email to JSON Converter

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About this bot

In short: This tool parses incoming emails into JSON format and forwards them as a POST request to a URL you provide.

Parsed email output example

  attachments: "0",
  cc: null,
  charsets: "{"to":"UTF-8","html":"us-ascii","subject":"UTF-8","from":"UTF-8"}",
  from: "",
  html: "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /></head><body><p>Example html</p></body></html>",
  sender_ip: "",
  subject: "Example subject",
  text: "Example text",
  to: "",

How to use the email to JSON converter: Video tutorial

Watch a quick video guide on how to turn emails into JSON format with this tool:

How does email to JSON conversion work?

  • Sign up on Botster
  • Go to the bots' start page
  • Provide an endpoint URL to which the bot will send a POST request with JSON payload
  • Start the bot
  • The bot will provide a dedicated email address (e.g. to which you will need to forward your emails
  • Every email that will hit the provided email address will be turned into JSON and POSTed to your URL

That's it!

To use this bot you need to register or log in first.

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