SEO Keyword Counter

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Create a free account on Botster
Choose a bot and provide seed data
Start the bot and wait for completion
Download or share your results

About this bot

In short: This online tool will find SEO keywords on a certain web page and count them.

Click to view the example data file for a better idea of the output.

Why use a keyword frequency counter tool?

This top keywords counter can be used for multiple business-related purposes, such as:

  • SEO audit
  • SEO optimization
  • Keyword research
  • Monitoring your site’s effectiveness
  • Monitoring your competition, etc.

You can easily grab the following details:

  • URL
  • Keyword
  • Total
  • Location

How to use the website keyword counter bot?

  • Sign up on Botster
  • Go to the bot's start page
  • Enter page URLs. Each URL must go on a new line.
  • Enter your keywords. Each keyword must go on a new line.
  • Click the "Start this bot" button.

That's it – the SEO article keyword density checker process has started!

Software walkthrough

1. Open the Launch bot form.

Click on the "Start bot" button on the right-hand side of this page to open the keyword counter online form:

2. Enter the details.

Give your "Job" a meaningful title, and optionally specify (or create) a project folder:

3. Insert the URL list.

Enter the URLs of the pages that you’d like the SEO keyword counter tool to check. Each link MUST go on a new line:

4. Paste your keywords.

Enter the words and phrases that you’d like the keyword density counter to check. Each quiery MUST go on a new line:

5. Set up notifications.

Specify if you would like to receive a notification when the SEO keyword density checker completes the crawl:

6. Start the bot!

Click the "Start this bot" button on the right-hand side:

That's it! You will be taken to your "Jobs" section. The SEO word count tool is now working and will notify you once it's done.

Data output

After the SEO word counter completes the job you can download your data as an Excel (XLSX), CSV or JSON file.

To use this bot you need to register or log in first.

Frequently asked questions

Open the SEO Keyword Counter’s start page, enter one or more URLs and the keywords that need to be checked, and the bot will automatically find all SEO keywords on the page you provided.

Sure, you can. The available formats include Excel, CSV, JSON, and Google Sheets. You can also view your data online without downloading it.

That’s because it uses a reliable partner API that retrieves full results, and has a reasonable price.

Endpoint: POST

Request body:

input string or array of strings (required)
URLs to check

keywords string (required)
Keywords to count
List the keywords you need to find and count on each URL. Each keyword must go on a new line.

Your file is being prepared...