Social Media Accounts Finder

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About this bot

In short: This smart social searcher scans Google SERPs and extracts links to selected social networks for a list of company names or people that you provide.

  • For example, the social media profile finder can extract links to official websites, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube pages of Grant Cardone, Bill Gates, and Garry Vee: view the example results.
  • Or it can find Owler, Wikipedia, and Crunchbase links on Adidas and Nike: see the example results.

How to use the social account finder: Video tutorial

Watch me demonstrate how to search for social media accounts of people and companies in bulk:

Why use the social media accounts finder

This fast and simple tool can be used for multiple business-related purposes, such as:

  • Digital marketing
  • Improving your SMM strategy
  • Social media people search
  • Client search
  • Lead generation and much more!

You can set the bulk social media search tool to find profiles on the following social networks:

  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • TikTok
  • YouTube
  • and more

Additionally, you can look up companies on:

  • Official website
  • Wikipedia
  • Crunchbase
  • Owler

How to find social media accounts by name or by company name in bulk

  • Sign up on Botster
  • Go to the bot's start page
  • Enter company names or people’s names
  • Select the social links to export
  • Click the "Start this bot" button

That's it – the bulk Google social search is now in progress!

Software walkthrough

1. Open the Launch bot form.

Click on the "Start bot" button on the right-hand side of this page to open the spider's form:

2. Enter the details.

Give your "Job" a meaningful title, and optionally specify (or create) a project folder:

3. Enter people’s names or company names.

⚠️ Each query must go on a new line:

4. Select the desired links.

Tick which social media accounts and website pages you need the social media finder by name to export:

5. Set up notifications.

Specify if you would like to receive a notification when the bulk social media lookup tool completes the crawl:

6. Start the bot!

Click the "Start this bot" button on the right-hand side:

That's it! You will be taken to your "Jobs" section. The software is now working and will notify you once the social media account search is finished. 

Data output

After the social media account finder completes the job you can download your data as an Excel (XLSX), CSV or JSON file.

To use this bot you need to register or log in first.

Frequently asked questions

Open the bot’s start page, enter people or companies, select the social media links to export, and launch the bot. The social media profile search will be performed in seconds, thus saving you much time.

Open the social network search tool’s start page, enter one or more celebrities’ names, select the social media links to export, and launch the bot.

Open the bot’s start page, enter one or more company names, select the social media links to export, and launch the bot.

Yes, you can. Once the social profile search is finished, open your job and click on the Excel logo. The file will be automatically saved to your computer. Other formats available for download include CSV, JSON and Google Sheets.

Endpoint: POST

Request body:

input string or array of strings (required)
People or Company names

filter array of strings (required)
Links to find
Possible values:

VK, site:https://vk.comVK page
official_site, official siteOfficial_Website
FB, site:https://www.facebook.comFB page
Twitter, site:https://twitter.comTwitter/X profile
IG, site:https://www.instagram.comIG profile
TikTok, site:https://www.tiktok.comTikTok page
YouTube, site: channel
Wikipedia, site:https://www.wikipedia.comWikipedia page
Owler, site: page
Crunchbase, site:https://www.crunchbase.comCrunchbase record
LinkedIn, site:https://* | site: page

Version history

Version 1

Version 2 - current page

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