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Monitoring bots
Reporting bots
Complex integrations
Web automation
Financial data
API workflows
Extracts sitemap URLs with their response codes and response statuses.
Checks if the IP addresses are real.
Captures screenshots by URLs in bulk
Scrapes Booking.com hotel data from a list of properties.
Extracts links to social networks for a list of company names or people
Exports user data from accounts on TikTok.
Monitors keyword mentions on Google and various social networks.
Monitors an RSS feed and notifies you if changes are made.
Forward JSON POST requests to your messengers
Finds public company information based on the provided website URL.
Extracts Booking com customer reviews for a given hotel.
Extracts TripAdvisor search results
Scrapes TripAdvisor reviews for a given place of interest.
Checks if the phone numbers are valid.
Exports peer-to-peer (P2P) cryptocurrency rates and their meta-data from Binance
Scans the HTML code for keywords
Bulk-finds addresses by their zip codes.
Finds zip codes by addresses in bulk.
Converts latitude and longitude to addresses in bulk.
Bulk-checks locations by IP addresses.
JSON to Email forwarder
Finds all DNS records for a domain
Classifies websites by categories
Exports meta data and other SEO parameters from websites.
Converts website URLs to IP addresses
Classifies the given items by categories
Build your own data scraper or web monitoring bot.
Finds US ZIP codes by city in bulk
Extracts links to social networks for a list of company names or people
Sends an alert whenever a URL responds with anything other than 200
Extracts Bing search results for a list of keywords
Extracts all links from a web page.
Extracts website page links for a list of company names or people
Exports video info from TikTok accounts.
TikTok Followers Extractor
Domain analytics: SEO metrics, paid ads data, competitive insights

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