Batch Uptime Monitor

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About this bot

In short: This bot periodically checks a URL's availability and sends a downtime alert to your email, Slack or Telegram whenever a URL responds with anything other than 200 (OK) status code:

How to use the site uptime monitor: Video tutorial

Watch a quick guide on how to monitor site uptime with this tool:

Why check page status code on a regular basis

This bulk status code checker allows you to instantly detect any unwanted downtime, which lets you quickly identify and address the underlying issues. As a result, you can avoid any problems with search engine indexation, prevent user dissatisfaction, and ensure your services are operating smoothly around the clock. This automated solution makes the task of maintaining a website simple and straightforward.

The bot can be used to check status code of URL lists periodically, i.e. to check whether one or more websites are up and running in real-time. The checks are performed according to a preset schedule. The bot periodically tries to access a resource and notifies the user if the site returns any status code other than 200 (OK), offering a convenient way to constantly monitor the availability of your websites without “poking” at them manually.

Additionally, the periodic URL status code checker creates a log that keeps track of all checks carried out under the current task. This way, you will know if any malfunctions have been detected even if you’ve missed the corresponding notification. You can download the detected status codes on your job page.

How to check URL status code periodically and in bulk

  • Sign up on Botster
  • Go to the bot's start page
  • Enter the URLs. Each query must go on a new line.
  • Set checking periodicity
  • Select custom options
  • Click the "Start this bot" button

That's it – the periodic status code check has started!

Software walkthrough

1. Open the Launch bot form.

Click on the "Start bot" button on the right-hand side of this page to open the spider's form:

2. Enter the details.

Give your "Job" a meaningful title, and optionally specify (or create) a project folder:

3. Enter your URLs.

⚠️ Each query must go on a new line:

4. Set periodicity.

You can set the periodic website status code checker to run as often as:

  • Every 10 minutes
  • Every 30 minutes
  • Every hour
  • Every day
  • Twice a day
  • Once a week
  • Twice a week
  • Once a month

5. Set the expiration date.

If no longer needed, the periodic page status code checker can be stopped either manually or at a certain date specified in advance:

6. Select custom notification options.

  • Specify if you’d like to receive a notification if the status code check has been successful.
  • Specify if you’d like the bot to stop working if triggered. A trigger refers to a situation when the bot has detected one or more URLs that respond with a status code other than 200 (OK).

7. Set up notification type.

8. Start the bot!

Click the "Start this bot" button on the right-hand side:

That's it! You will be taken to your "Jobs" section. The software has started to regularly check website status code and will notify you whenever the conditions meet your settings.

Data output

You can download the archive with the detected status codes as an Excel, CSV, or JSON file.

To use this bot you need to register or log in first.

Frequently asked questions

Open the URL status code checker’s start page, enter your links, set checking periodicity, and launch the bot. You’ll receive notifications according to your settings.

The larger your site, the more pages it has, the more frequently it is updated with new content and products, and the higher its traffic volume, the more often you should check for 404 errors. Small-scale sites don’t need such frequent monitoring.

The bot crawls your URLs according to a preset schedule and imitates opening them. Whenever a URL returns a 404 error, the bot notifies you immediately.

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