Company Data Finder

In BetaIn Beta

Disclaimer – Read before usage – This script is provided and operated by a third party. It is not hosted on nor are we responsible for how it functions. For any support and questions contact the author of the script directly. If you would like to report this script, send your inquiries to

This bot is currently in BETA. The results may be incomplete. The bot will refund domains that contain no data.

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About this bot

In short: the bot attempts to find a company's public information from a variety of open sources based on a link to its homepage. 

Please have a look at this example output data file for a sample of data returned.

The data extracted:

  • Company Name
  • Industry
  • Number of Employees (approximate)
  • Annual Revenu (approximate)
  • Year Founded
  • HQ Country
  • HQ State
  • HQ City
  • HQ Postal Code/zip
  • Language
  • Website
  • Social network profiles

All data is provided by public sources and does not violate confidentiality laws.

To use this bot you need to register or log in first.

Endpoint: POST

Request body:

input string or array of strings (required)
Domain or email

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