Bulk Whois Lookup

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Create a free account on Botster
Choose a bot and provide seed data
Start the bot and wait for completion
Download or share your results

About this bot

In short: This online tool extracts domain information from the WHOIS database.

Click to view the example data file for a better idea of the output.

⚠️ WHOIS is a database containing information about all registered domains. This database is often used by network administrators to identify and fix various problems. ⚠️

Which data does the bulk domain WHOIS lookup bot extract?

This easy WHOIS domain lookup tool can grab the following details:

  • Domain
  • SLD
  • TLD
  • Valid?
  • Available for purchase?
  • Created at
  • Updated at
  • Expires at
  • Registrar

How to find WHOIS information for a domain?

  • Sign up on Botster
  • Go to the bot's start page
  • Enter the domains (up to 10,000)
  • Click the "Start this bot" button.

That's it – the WHOIS domain name lookup process has started!

Software walkthrough

1. Open the Launch bot form

Click on the "Start bot" button on the right-hand side of this page to launch the WHO IS domain lookup tool:

2. Enter the details

Give your "Job" a meaningful title, and optionally specify (or create) a project folder:

3. Paste the domain(s).

Enter one or more domains. The bot can process up to 10,000 domains per session.

Each query must go on a new line:

4. Set up notifications

Specify if you would like to receive a notification when the WHO IS domain name lookup bot completes the crawl:

5. Start the bot!

Click the "Start this bot" button on the right-hand side:

That's it! You will be taken to your "Jobs" section. The WHOIS lookup domain tracker is now working and will notify you once it's done.

Data output

After the website domain lookup WHOIS tool completes the job, you will be able to download your data as an Excel (XLSX), CSV or JSON file.

To use this bot you need to register or log in first.

Frequently asked questions

It is an online tool that retrieves all-embracing domain information from the WHOIS database.

Yes, it can. While retrieving the data, the bot creates a separate column called ‘Available?’. If a domain is available for purchase, the result will be ‘true’.

All data is retrieved from one and the same source, namely the WHOIS domain database.

WHOIS domain information allows network administrators to identify and fix various website-related problems.

Open the Bulk Whois Lookup bot’s start page, paste up to 10,000 domains, and launch the bot. Remember that each domain must go on a new line.

Create a free account on Botster, open the Bulk Whois Lookup bot’s start page, paste one or more domains, and launch the bot. This tool operates online and requires no installation.

Once the Bulk Whois Lookup bot is done scraping domain information, click on the menu in the top right corner and select “Download results (Excel)”. The file will be automatically saved to your computer.

Endpoint: POST https://botster.io/api/v2/bots/bulk-whois-lookup

Request body:

input string or array of strings (required)
Domain names

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