
    How to Find 100 Technology Guest Post Sites in 3 Minutes


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      If you’re trying to generate organic traffic for your technology business website and are looking for somewhere you can submit guest post, technology blogs and online magazines are a great place to start.

      While contacting random blogs that accept guest posts may seem like a good idea, it actually does not do you much good. Here are some facts about guest posting:

      • A referring domain should be on-topic. This means you shouldn't submit a tech post to an education blog because it won't yield much results.
      • Submitting guest posts to an on-topic blog or magazine helps bring potential clients and qualified leads.
      • You need a strategy or process that increases your chances of successfully finding tech blogs that accept guest post articles.

      That is why in today's guide, I will show you a strategy and some automation tools I use to find free tech guest post sites to earn quality backlinks as part of my SEO strategy.

      From this step-by-step guide, you'll learn:

      • How to automatically export tech guest post acceptors to Excel
      • How to extract emails from technology "guest post" sites
      • How to make a database of technology guest post sites with the details you’ve extracted

      By the end of this guide, you will have a database of tech blogs that accept guest post articles similar to this:

      Without wasting any time, I’ll go straight into the different ways tech brands and businesses can find blogs and magazines to publish tech guest post articles to drive traffic.

      Note that the strategy I’ll show you below is what I’ve used to grow my personal blog and also win unbelievable guest posting opportunities for businesses I consult with.

      The best thing about this strategy is that it is not restricted to just one part of technology. Whether you run a Silicon Valley SaaS start-up or an Atlanta, Georgia-based refurbished computer distribution center, what I’m about to show you will definitely help you find technology sites for guest posting opportunities.

      The process is easy: find blogs focused on technology, submit a guest post, and watch tons of referred traffic come to your website.

      Quickly, let's get into it!

      Finding guest posting sites for technology manually

      There are basically two ways to go about finding guest posting sites. One, you can choose to leverage automation tools to make your job easier and a lot faster. Alternatively, you can choose to do it the traditional way by finding them manually.

      While trying to find technology guest post sites manually isn’t easy and fast like using digital tools, the process has become more refined over the years, and the rise of search operators, aka advanced search, has made it significantly easier than it used to be.

      In the earliest days, finding tech blogs that accept guest articles involved Googling search terms like “write for us technology guest post” or “submit a guest post technology”.

      Although these search terms work fairly okay, the problem is that they sometimes bring results of blogs that talk about guest posting rather than actual sites that accept blog posts.

      The solution to this problem arose when Google introduced search operators. Basically, search operators are queries that help you narrow down the focus of your search. Usually, these operators are symbols, but they also sometimes contain words, and you simply have to use them within your search phrases.

      For example, using quotations in your search tells search engines that you want results for the exact phrase in quotes. E.g., technology “write for us” free guest post will fetch results that contain the exact phrase “write for us” in relation to other words in the search term.

      Below are search operators and some search terms to help you find tech blog guest post opportunities manually:

      1. “...”: fetches results that match the search phrase

      • technology “guest post”
      • “submit guest post” tech

      2. + : finds an exact phrase among a multitude of possible results

      • guest post +technology
      • free guest post + technology
      • technology + write for us + guest post

      3. OR: finds search results based on one search phrase or another

      • guest post technology OR technology submit guest post
      • guest post guidelines technology OR tech submit a guest post

      4. Combine “...” and + to further narrow the search

      • "guest post" +technology
      • “submit guest post” + “technology”
      • “tech ” + “submit guest post”

      Using these search operators, you can easily find technology blogs and magazines that accept blog posts on Google. Once you find them, all you have to do is copy the site names and URLs manually into a spreadsheet to build a database.

      As I’ve already mentioned, manually searching for free guest post technology sites has some disadvantages:

      • It takes time. Typing the search terms into Google one after the other and manually copying the site name and URL into a spreadsheet takes too much time than is necessary.
      • It can get boring. Going back and forth between Excel and Google to copy and paste data is extremely repetitive and can numb a person’s brain to frustration. Trust me, I’ve been there.
      • The data is susceptible to mistakes. In the process of copying and pasting, you may omit some parts of the data you need.

      A more efficient way to find guest posting sites for technology articles is by leveraging automation tools. These tools typically solve the 3 issues above. The two best tools that come to mind are:

      1. Google Search Scraper - this tool helps you automatically export your Google Search results for technology guest posting sites into a spreadsheet making the process fast and ensuring accuracy in your data. In this tool, you can use any search operators of your choice as described above.
      2. Outreach and Guestpost Explorer - this tool is particularly made for finding guest posting opportunities, and it already contains all the search operators so you don’t need to bother about them.

      How to automatically export tech guest post acceptors to Excel

      Tool 1 for exporting technology guest post sites

      To automatically find and export technology write for us+guest post sites on Google, you can use the Google Search Scraper.

      The Google Search Scraper is a tool that is designed to export up to 500 items from the Google Search engine result pages. This means that it can extract every website between page 1 and page 50 of Google results.

      This is a feat you probably can’t achieve manually, but with the Google Search Scraper, it takes less than a minute! ⏰

      To gain access to this tool and start finding technology guest post sites, you must first create a free account on Botster:

      Registration is fast and your credit card details are not required. Once your registration is complete, verify your email address and follow the steps below to find tech guest posting sites using the Google Search Scraper.

      • Name your job and set a folder if necessary (I’ll name mine “Atlanta Georgia guest post tech sites”):

      • Next, paste your search keywords using search operators, making sure that each new search term is on a new line as seen below:

      • Next, select how many results the bot should extract (up to 500):

      • Set custom options to your preferences:

      • Next, enter a location to get geo-specific results:

      • Now, set up email notifications, ensuring you tick “Attach result to email” so you get the result file easily:

      • Finally, click on “Start this bot” and Presto! You are done!

      Those are the steps to automate finding guest posting technology sites using the Google Search Scraper!

      Video guide

      Setting up the Google Search Scraper is pretty straightforward, but if you’d like to see me go through the steps outlined above, here’s the video guide for this bot:


      Upon clicking on “Start this bot”, the “My jobs” page will launch automatically and you should see something similar to this:

      Once you see this, click on “Run now” to run the Google Search Scraper immediately. You will then receive an email notification similar to this:

      You can now download the result file and view it in Excel to see the technology guest post sites you just found:


      • Sort the results by “Position” and target the top-ranking websites first. This is the websites’ ranking position on Google, which makes them excellent backlink sources.
      • You can use more search operators to get more technology guest post sites and also combine search operators for further targeting.
      • Use the tool described below ⬇️ to facilitate the process even more, gain access to more advanced search operators, and get more targeted results.

      Tool 2 for extracting technology guest posting sites

      The second tool for automatically finding technology sites for guest posting is the Outreach and Guestpost Explorer. This bot is designed to automatically run Google searches using special guest post search operators to help you find sites that accept guest posting and export the results into an Excel file in bulk.

      Unlike in the previous tool, you don’t need to input search operators to find free guest post technology blogs and magazines using the Outreach and Guestpost Explorer.

      Follow the steps below to set the Outreach and Guestpost Explorer:

      • Launch the Outreach and Guestpost Explorer's start page and name your job (mine is “Atlanta Georgia guest post tech sites 2”).
      • Next, enter the keywords for your search. In this case, it’s “technology”:

      • Now, select how many results you want the bot to extract:

      • Tick the queries you want the bot to use for your search:

      You can enter additional input, but I’ll recommend you just leave that alone:

      • Now, start the bot and that’s it! Easy peasy!

      Within the next minute or so, the bot will parse all the queries you selected through Google one after the other to help find and export technology “guest post” blogs and online magazines!

      Video tutorial

      Watch me explain how to use the Outreach and Guestpost Explorer in this quick video:


      This time around, you’ll see something like this on the “My jobs” page:

      Once the job shows “Completed”, you can download the file to your computer using one of the icons in front of “Latest run.” Viewing the XLS file in Excel should show you something similar to this:

      While I can only show about 20 results at once, it would interest you to know that this tool fetched me about 500 tech "guest post" sites in that single run!


      • I’d recommend you sort the results by “Position” and target the top-ranking websites first. They have the best link juice.
      • Read my guide on lead generation for mortgage brokers for more blogging tips.

      Now that we have a list of tech blogs that accept guest post articles, let’s find their email addresses for outreach!

      Exporting emails from technology "guest post" sites

      To publish your guest post on any of these websites, you have to first contact the site owner via email to clarify a few things. The questions you should ask the owners of these technology sites for guest posting include:

      • Do you currently accept tech guest posts?
      • Is it free? Or how much does it cost?
      • What topics would you prefer to publish right now?
      • How many do-follow links can I include in my guest post?

      A do-follow link is a type of link that search engines follow when crawling a particular page. These types of links also contain what is called link juice, and that is the authority or value a page passes to another page.

      So if your website has a do-follow link from another website, that link tells search engines to come to your website, and it also gives you some link juice.

      Now, to find the email addresses of the tech guest post acceptors, use the Phone, Email and Contact Scraper. This tool does only one thing: it finds the contact information of businesses.

      Follow the steps below to use it to find the contact details of the technology guest posting sites you just found:

      • First, copy the data from the column “Domain” in the previous extractions:

      • Open the Phone, Email and Contact Scraper's start page and paste the domains in the field “Website list”:

      • Under “Elements”, tick “Email” and “Phone” (if needed):

      • Next, select how many pages the bot should check for the contact info:

      • Now, start the bot, and wait for your results. Easy as ABC!

      Video guide

      In a short while, the Phone, Email and Contact Scraper will extract the guest post technology blogs' contact info, but here’s a video guide showing how to use this bot:


      Viewing the results for the technology guest post sites in Excel should look like this:


      By the way, a supporting strategy for guest blogging is to contribute to technology guest post articles written by others, but that’s a topic for another day.

      Tools for extracting tech guest posting sites: Free trial

      Now that you’ve learned my guest posting techniques, nothing should hold you back from reaching out and getting some link juice for your business website. And to automate the process of finding free guest post technology blogs, look no further than Botster!

      Botster is home to a collection of fast and powerful automation tools that are always available to handle your tasks. And the best part is that Botster offers a 7-day free trial period that gives you unrestricted access to every tool on the platform.

      And when the trial runs out, the bots cost so little you won’t even know you spent a dime. It’s like buying a random paper magazine on technology but the benefits are far more enormous!

      Don’t delay any longer. Create your Botster account and find free guest posting sites for technology today!

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