
    How to Find Someone's Email on YouTube: The Legal Way


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      Have you been trying to learn how to get someone's email from YouTube without breaching their personal data but can’t find any guide that offers real value online? You’re not alone.

      The topic of using a YouTube email finder tool to fetch email addresses on YouTube is fairly popular. However, you’ll quickly discover that most of the guides created on this subject are not as helpful as they seem from the onset.

      That is why I am creating this comprehensive guide to show you exactly how to find YouTube email addresses and export them to a CSV or spreadsheet file.

      The strategy I’m about to teach you is a proven solution for finding someone’s email from YouTube legally and efficiently. It has been tested and verified and even takes just a few minutes.

      Within the next few minutes, I will describe some automated YouTube email lookup tools that will help you find email addresses from YouTube without breaking any laws.

      From this step-by-step guide, you’ll learn:

      • How to find YouTubers’ email addresses manually
      • How to get YouTubers’ email address lists automatically and in bulk
      • How to validate your YouTubers’ email list to ensure success

      By the end of this guide, you will have all the knowledge and tools you need to make a database of valid email addresses of YouTube influencers like this one:

      As I said, the strategy I’m about to show you below has been tested and proven, and it works for any business regardless of your industry. Whether you’re looking for influencers, drop shippers, affiliate marketers, video content experts, or any other niche you can think of.

      As long as they're on YouTube, the YouTube email extractor online tools I’ll show you below can help you find their emails.

      To put things in perspective and really show you how to use these tools in a real-life situation, I’ll base this guide on how I’ve helped fashion businesses build a fashion YouTuber email list for influencer outreach.

      Specifically, we’ll build a YouTube email list of fashion influencers based in Miami using the tools and strategy I’m about to show you!

      Before we get to the fun part of how to find someone's email from YouTube, let’s quickly go over what’s allowed and what’s not, and how to navigate your way so you don’t get in trouble!

      Can you find YouTuber emails without violating their personal data?

      To answer this question properly, we must first understand personal data.

      Personal data refers to any information that can be used to identify a person wherever the details appear. These include their name, home address, and email address among others.

      Emails are considered personal data because they are unique identifiers that can be linked to an individual, often containing their name and other personal details. So, extracting the YouTube admin email that a person used when creating their account would indeed violate their privacy and YouTube's rules.

      Due to the reason above, we cannot scrape YouTube emails used at sign-up because they are recognized as personal data. ⛔

      When users create an account on YouTube, they expect privacy and data protection, believing that their email will remain confidential and not be exposed to the public. On Botster, we respect these privacy norms and do not attempt to export such private data.

      However, there are people who choose to publish their emails publicly on the web, including in the comments, profiles, and video descriptions. By doing so, they implicitly consent to their email being visible to everyone.

      This action is known as “silent consent”, and it allows us to find YouTuber email addresses that are publicly available and export them as we want. These publicly shared emails are what can be legally found and will be the focus of this guide. ✅

      Without further delay, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of how to check YouTube email address lists and export them to a spreadsheet!

      How to find YouTubers’ email addresses manually

      There are two ways to approach exporting YouTubers' emails. You can go the manual way or the automatic way.

      Searching for YouTubers' emails in their YT profiles

      Talking of the manual way, you can start by checking the YouTuber’s profile, post descriptions, and comments to see if they’ve posted their email address somewhere so people can reach out for sponsorship.

      While you will surely find some email addresses with this method, you’ll spend a lot of time going through profiles, posts, and comments one after the other. Also, the chances of you coming up with just a few results are very high.

      So, a better alternative would be to search Google instead.

      Searching for YouTube emails on Google

      How to find YouTuber email addresses on Google? That’s simple. You only need to use search operators in your queries.

      What are search operators?

      Search operators are special commands that help you refine your search queries in Google so you can narrow down the results to get exactly what you want to see.

      For instance, using site: followed by a domain limits the search to that specific website. Other common operators include “OR”, “AND”, “-” (to exclude terms), and quotes for exact match searches.

      Search operators may sound complicated at first, making it seem like it’s only for “tech bros” and “women in tech” and non-techies can’t ever know how to check YouTube email on Google. But you don’t need to worry about all that. I have a unique query you can simply copy and paste into Google and use it whenever you want!

      Here’s the schema: intext:"""" AND ""your keyword""

      The schema above simply tells Google to search only the domain for email addresses where they appear with a particular keyword (your keyword).

      Here’s how to properly use this query for fashion YouTube emails search: intext:"""" AND ""fashion influencer""

      You can simply copy and paste this query into Google, click on search, and you’ll be able to find YouTube email addresses free of charge.

      While this method is a bit better than snooping around on YouTube (which may eventually lead to doom-scrolling), manually searching for influencers’ email addresses online comes with several disadvantages regardless:

      • It can be incredibly time-consuming to go through 100s of YouTube account profiles, video descriptions, and comments to find contact information.
      • As your search for influencers expands, manual searching becomes unsustainable. It’s not scalable for larger campaigns where you need to find several dozens or even hundreds of influencers in a short period, as is often the case for my clients.
      • Doing a manual YouTuber email search can be very inefficient as it takes away time that could be spent on crafting personalized messages and building relationships with influencers.

      How to get YouTubers’ email address lists automatically and in bulk

      Now that we’ve examined how to get someone's email from YouTube manually, let’s consider how you can get them automatically! 🚀

      The automated method will literally cut down the stress and time you’ll spend on the manual one by about 80 to 90 percent, allowing you to move on to other tasks quickly.

      To automatically find someone’s email address on YouTube, you’ll need a YouTube email lookup tool.

      A YouTube email lookup tool will typically take over the search and extraction process off your hands completely and just do it all on your behalf. All you’ll need to do is enter your keywords and set a target location.

      I believe that the best benefit of using an automation tool for this task is that it automatically packs the extracted results into a spreadsheet for you to download, and that’s part of why I recommend it so much.

      YouTube email scraper

      The fastest and easiest-to-use automation bot you can use to scrape YouTube emails is the Google Search Scraper.

      The Google Search Scraper is an embodiment of what I described above. It takes over the process completely and extracts the emails while you only click a few buttons here and there.

      It doesn’t just extract emails from YouTube haphazardly. It lets you set constraints on the location and number of results so that the resulting data is clean and easy to analyze. 👍

      Combining the search operators I described earlier with the Google Search Scraper is the best answer for how to find someone's email from YouTube because no other solution comes close.

      To be able to use this tool, you must first create a free account on Botster (no credit card required):

      Once that is done, follow the steps below for how to get email ID from YouTube comments, profiles, and video descriptions automatically:

      • Open the Google Search Scraper’s start page by clicking on “Start bot”:

      • Give this project a name and a folder if you wish:

      • Now, paste the following query: intext:"""" AND ""fashion""

      • Next, select how many results you want the bot to extract:

      • Set custom options:

      • Next, enter the location of your search:

      • Set up email notifications and be sure to tick “Attach results to the notification email”:

      • Finally, click on “Start this bot” to launch this YouTuber email finder into action!

      And that’s it! You’ve successfully set up the very first step in how to email a YouTuber — getting their email address! And that didn’t even take a minute!

      Video guide

      If you’d rather learn by watching, check out this short video where I describe how to use the Google Search Scraper:


      Upon launching the bot, “My Jobs” will open, and when the bot is done gathering your results, you should see something similar this:

      Downloading the data and viewing it in Excel should give you this (the emails will be in the “Body” column):


      First, use an Excel function to extract emails from the “Body” column:

      • Open your result file in Excel and delete every column before “Body” (columns A to E) so that "Body" (column F) becomes A:

      • In the new column B, type “Email addresses” in cell 1 for the heading:

      • In the cell directly under Email addresses, paste the following query:

      =TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(A2,FIND(" ",A2&" ",FIND("",A2))-1)," ",REPT(" ",LEN(A2))),LEN(A2)))

      • With Cell B2 selected (highlighted by a green box), move your mouse to the bottom-right corner of the cell, and click and drag it down to the last cell to auto-paste the formula above:

      If there’s no email address in the cell, it will return a #VALUE error. And if there’s more than one email address in the cell, it will only extract the first one.

      Use the steps described above to export emails from other social networks as well. Just edit the URL from to e.g. BTW, read my guide devoted to TikTok email search!

      How to increase the results provided by the YouTube email address finder

      You can increase the number of influencers you find by adding more email masks like this: intext:"""" OR """" OR """" OR """" OR """" AND ""fashion""

      You can also use this trick for other social networks to find even more influencers. Just edit the URL from to e.g.

      Also, read my guide on how to use other advanced YouTube search operators for bulk video lookup combined with automation bots!

      Validating your YouTubers’ email list

      One final thing you need to do after using the YouTube email finder online is to validate the extracted email addresses and ensure their validity before sending any emails to them.

      Why is this important?

      Well, the success of your YouTube email marketing campaign depends on the number of valid emails you have. Your email may be marked as spam if you try to contact too many invalid email addresses. That’s why you must validate them first.

      To validate these extracted email addresses, you’ll need the automated Email Validator.

      This bot will ping a list of email addresses you provide in bulk to and return true or false for each one. It can validate any address, including YouTube business email, and accepts up to 5,000 inputs at once!

      You can set up the Email Validator in just 3 steps:

      • Open the Email Validator's start page.
      • Paste a list of email addresses (each one on a new line):

      • Start the bot!

      And that’s the final step in this guide on how to get someone's email from YouTube.

      Video guide

      Watch the short video below to learn how to use the Email Validator:


      Within a minute, you’ll get the result file, which should look similar to this:

      And that’s it for this guide on how to export email addresses from YouTube using the YouTube email checker!

      Another related question I’ve seen people ask is “How to write email to YouTuber asking to promote my product”.

      That’s a topic for another day but for now, you’re free to extract as many email addresses as you want!


      • Before pasting the emails into the Email Validator, examine them and remove invalid characters such as quotes, slashes, etc.
      • I recommend removing invalid emails detected by the Email Validator from your list. You can easily do this by sorting the results with the column “isValid” and deleting any one with “false”.
      • Read my guide on how to get a mailing list for a ZIP code if you’re considering direct mail marketing campaigns.

      Free trial for the YouTube email extractor

      Having learned how to automatically export YouTubers’ email addresses using the email finder YouTube tool above, you’ve opened the door to limitless opportunities.

      Not only can you easily find influencers for your own business, but you can also run a small influencer marketing agency connecting influencers and brands, and it all starts with a free Botster account!

      Botster is home to a large number of automation tools that can help you handle any difficult and time-consuming tasks within minutes! The best part is that Botster offers a 7-day free trial period that gives you full access to every tool on the platform with zero commitment.

      Even when the trial runs out, the YouTube email finder tool I just showed you costs so little you’ll almost call it free.

      In fact, the tools I just showed you combined cost less than what you’d spend on a YouTube premium monthly subscription, yet their benefits are far more enormous!

      Create your Botster account today and get started right away!

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