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Get a custom BOT, from $150

Monitoring bots
Reporting bots
Complex integrations
Web automation
Financial data
API workflows
Extracts contact information e.g. emails, phones and links to social networks from a list of websites.
Сhecks if the email addresses you’ve provided are valid.
Finds LinkedIn accounts by email
Extracts contact information e.g. emails, phones and links to social networks from a list of websites.
Monitors keyword mentions on Google and various social networks.
Retrieves emails from LinkedIn profiles based on location and keywords.
Extracts places information from Google Maps based on your search query.
Сhecks if the email addresses you’ve provided are valid.
Finds all email addresses having the same domain.
Checks if the phone numbers are valid.
Finds LinkedIn accounts by email
Exports locations by keyword within a specified radius.
Build your own data scraper or web monitoring bot.

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