Search term reporter

Google Analytics
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About this bot

In short: The Search Term Reporter connects to a Google Analytics account and scans through the most popular search queries on corresponding websites:

Google Analytics Bot exampleYou can adjust how often the bot collects and sends you data and choose the most convenient notification medium. This tool allows to assess the most popular search terms on a given website, which may be useful for SEO improvements and understanding which types of content generate the most interest.

Using Site Search Reporter

To make sure the bot operates properly, you should first configure Site Search in your Google Analytics account – please read the following material and set everything up accordingly:

The next step is to fill out the task name and output folder fields.

Afterwards, you need to enter your Google account credentials, choose the relevant Google Analytics profile and the website which you’d like to monitor.

The second block of settings is used to set up the number of queries you’d like to be displayed and the period over which the queries will be collected. The third block of settings allows to adjust the frequency of notifications and set whether the bot should stop running at a certain date or work until turned off manually.

Finally, you can choose if you’d like to receive notifications via:

  • e-mail;
  • Slack;
  • Telegram.

Why Site Search Reporter is useful?

The tool constantly monitors the user activity of a given website via Google Analytics, thereby allowing publishers, marketing professionals and SEO experts to access a convenient list of search terms that are popular among their user base.

Building on this information, one can outline an effective SEO strategy or focus on producing content that appears to attract more users. The bot works automatically, which eliminates the need to manually sort through Google Analytics data, saving a great deal of time and effort.

To use this bot you need to register or log in first.

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