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Monitoring bots
Reporting bots
Complex integrations
Web automation
Financial data
API workflows
Returns a list of first Google results for a provided set of search queries.
Finds links to companies' LinkedIn profiles using titles or URLs.
Scrapes Google Local results in bulk for a list of keywords
Extracts links to social networks for a list of company names or people
Returns a list of first Google results for a provided set of search queries.
Shows Google search volume and CPC for a list of keywords.
Finds public company information based on the provided website URL.
Extracts domain information from the WHOIS database.
Finds all email addresses having the same domain.
Returns known subdomains for a selected website.
Finds links to companies' LinkedIn profiles using titles or URLs.
Bulk-finds addresses by their zip codes.
Finds zip codes by addresses in bulk.
Scrapes Google Local results in bulk for a list of keywords
Bulk-extracts a domain's paid keywords for the past year
Exports locations by keyword within a specified radius.
Finds all DNS records for a domain

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