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Monitoring bots
Reporting bots
Complex integrations
Web automation
Financial data
API workflows
Extracts data from people’s public LinkedIn profiles
Finds links to companies' LinkedIn profiles using titles or URLs.
Extracts links to social networks for a list of company names or people
Extracts company information from LinkedIn
Exports user data from accounts on TikTok.
Extracts comments from any YouTube video.
Retrieves information from different videos of a channel.
Extracts playlist information of a YouTube channel.
Receive like and dislike notifications made under your videos.
Sends notifications about new YouTube views.
Exports a list of channel's subscriptions into a spreadsheet.
Sends periodic emails with new content from your subscriptions.
Monitors keyword mentions on Google and various social networks.
Retrieves emails from LinkedIn profiles based on location and keywords.
Scrapes all data from LinkedIn user profiles.
Extracts company information from LinkedIn
Extracts and downloads reviews from Google Maps

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