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Get a custom BOT, from $150

Monitoring bots
Reporting bots
Complex integrations
Web automation
Financial data
API workflows
Checks if a set of URLs is present on Google, Bing, Yahoo and Yandex
Returns a list of first Google results for a provided set of search queries.
Extracts sitemap URLs with their response codes and response statuses.
Returns basic external link information for a list of websites.
Scan and download up to 300 external backlinks to a selected site.
Calculates occurrences of words or strings in a text block
Checks every URL in a sitemap and returns its response code
Sends an alert whenever a URL responds with anything other than 200
Periodically checks whether a certain link is present on a web page and sends an alert if it's gone.
Generates complex cross-matching keywords based on your inputs.
Sends an alert when your Google Analytics metrics reach certain levels.
Delivers your GA traffic numbers grouped by the channel at a specified time period.
Monitor your on-site searches through Google Analytics and receive reports in your mailbox.
Sends Google Analytics event statistics to your inbox
Periodically checks every URL in a sitemap and sends you a message if any of the URLs return errors.
Returns status codes for up to 5,000 submitted URLs.

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