
    How to Make Up a List of Company Emails and Phone Numbers in 5 Minutes


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      Has your boss challenged you with making up a business emails list? Time to show your worth! You’ll do it in just a couple of minutes. Doubts? 🤔

      I’ll tell you the secret: delegate the tasks that you can’t or don’t want to do on your own to others. (BTW, this is exactly what your boss has done with you 😏) Luckily enough, you can delegate business contacts search to little helpers that never say ‘no’. Smart scraping bots are always at your disposal!

      I love real-life examples and often use them as a basis for my blog posts. This article was inspired by a user who sent me an email asking: “I’m new to this, I want to get emails and phone numbers of dentists working in Texas. Which bot should I use and is there a tutorial for it?” 

      “A good idea for a blog post!”, - I thought (dear user, if you are reading this post - thank you! Finding a proper blog topic doesn’t always come easy). And started writing this step-by-step tutorial on how to find business phone numbers and emails using automation tools.

      While reading this article, you’ll learn:

      • Where to look for business emails addresses and phone numbers
      • How to make up business emails lists for bulk mailing
      • How to make up a list of business phone numbers for cold calling
      • How to validate emails
      • How to validate phone numbers

      To illustrate my guide, let me use the real-life example proposed by the user - today we’ll make up an (almost) free business contacts database of Texan dentists 🦷 However, it’s just an example. The strategy described below applies to any business sphere, be it insurance, car sales, construction, personal care or even pet supplies! 🐾

      To use the tools described below, you’ll need to create a free account on Botster:

      Ready? Time to get our teeth into scraping!

      Step 1 - Exporting a website to find company emails on

      The Internet is like an address book: it consists of many [web] pages with Texan dentists’ contacts written on them. To find and export these contacts, you need to know the right pages.

      This is why the first thing to do is make up a list of the dentists’ websites. This is exactly what we are going to do using the first tool (if you already have a ready-made website list, you can skip this paragraph and go on to Step 2 👇).

      The Google Search Scraper will cope with this task in no time. Here is a detailed bot tutorial:

      • Name your job:

      • Enter your keywords.

      ⚠️ Each keyword must go on a new line:

      • Specify how many dentists’ websites you would like the bot to export:

      • Select the operating system (Windows or MacOS):

      • Choose the desired device (desktop or mobile):

      • Select your target language:

      • Select your region:

      • Leave the “Run this bot periodically” checkbox empty:

      • Select the preferred notification channel:

      • …and start the bot!

      📽️ Video guide on website URL extraction

      Watch my video tutorial on how to use the Google Search Scraper:

      ✅ Results

      Beep! The job is done. Let’s take a look at the results. The bot has successfully found dentists in Texas and exported their websites:

      We’ll need this URL list to fulfill the next step.

      Step 2 - Extracting a list of business emails

      Now that we have the Texan dentists’ websites, let’s extract these businesses’ phone numbers and emails.

      The tool that is going to help us is called the Phone, Email and Contact Scraper. This business contacts list generation software can extract the following contact information from the dentists’ websites:

      • Emails
      • Cell and work phone numbers
      • WhatsApp links
      • Links to social networks

      Click to view the example data output for a better idea of the output.

      Here is a short guide on how to find company emails and phone numbers in bulk using this bot:

      • Open the Phone, Email and Contact Scraper’s start page.
      • Select how many pages you would like the bot to check while performing the emails and company phone numbers search.

      The more pages you select, the higher the opportunity that the bot will find the desired phone numbers and business email contacts for you:

      • Select ‘Emails’ and ‘Phone numbers’.

      Since many people use WhatsApp on their smartphones rather than on desktop, I also recommend ticking ‘WhatsApp numbers’:

      • Copy the website URLs retrieved in Step 1 ⬆️:

      • Paste these URLs into a special field.

      Make sure that each link goes on a new line:

      • Launch the bot.

      📽️ Video guide on making up a company contacts database

      Watch me explain how to get a list of business emails and phone numbers using the Phone, Email and Contact Scraper:

      ✅ Results

      The Phone, Email and Contact Scraper has extracted a long list of company emails and phone numbers:

      • The ‘Email’ column contains all emails found on the dentists’ websites.
      • The ‘Phone’ column contains… phone numbers 😀
      • The ‘Maybe phone’ column contains numeric strings that may or may not be phone numbers. The bot is set to look for all kinds of long numbers on the websites. However, deciding if these are exactly phone numbers requires human participation (alternatively, you can check this using a validation bot as described in Step 4 below).
      • The ‘WhatsApp’ column is empty, meaning that none of these dentists have implemented WhatsApp links on their sites. No surprise! Good dentists have more important things to do rather than chat on WhatsApp.

      💡 Tips on how to work with the company contacts list

      Tip 1 - Sort the company contacts list

      The Phone, Email and Contact Scraper scans all websites at the same time and puts the results into the table simultaneously. This is why the same site may appear in the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the table:

      When you start working with the table, the first thing to do is sort the data ascending (i.e. from A to Z) by the ‘Origin URL’ column. This action will pull each website’s data together:

      Tip 2 - Create two separate lists of business emails and phones

      Our business contacts database software exports emails and phone numbers into one table. Yet I recommend separating these two types of contacts from each other for more convenience.

      These simple steps will help you optimize your work:

      • Open the resulting table in the Excel format.
      • In the bottom left corner, copy the existing tab twice to create a company emails list and a business phone numbers list:

      • Go to the ‘Emails’ tab and delete the ‘URL’, ‘Phone’ and ‘Maybe phone’ columns:

      • Delete the empty lines:

      The final result will look like this:

      • Now go to the ‘Phone numbers’ tab and delete the ‘URL’ and ‘Email’ columns:

      • Delete the empty lines as shown above.

      Now we have two separate lists of business emails and phone numbers 👌‍ However, some dentists are so busy treating their patients that they have no time to update their business contacts in case these have changed. You may spend hours sending out cold emails and making cold calls before you find out that they are actually… invalid! 😤

      To avoid this, validate your list of business contacts before actually starting to bombard people with your offers. Read my easy validation tutorial below!

      Step 3 - Validating businesses’ emails

      The Email Validator will check if the list of companies’ emails retrieved by the business contacts scraping software is valid ✅

      Using the Email Validator is as easy as ABC:

      • Open the Email Validator’s start page.
      • Copy the list of emails of companies from your Excel file:

      • Paste the emails into a special field.

      Each query must go on a new line:

      • Launch the bot.

      ✅ Results

      Look, two emails are invalid 🚫 meaning that these dentists won’t receive your cold offers:

      💡 Tip on sorting local business emails

      Sort the resulting table descending (from Z to A) by the ‘Email validity’ column. All invalid emails will move to the end of the table, and you will be able to delete them in one click:

      Time to start your bulk mailing campaign! 📩

      Step 4 - Validating the companies’ phone numbers list

      Do you agree that cold calling is even more time-consuming than bulk mailing? This makes validating your business phone numbers lookup results even more important.

      The Phone Number Validator will check if the exported phone numbers of businesses are valid.

      Using this bot doesn’t require much effort:

      • Open the Phone Number Validator’s start page.
      • Enter the country code.

      Texas is in America, so I’ll type US:

      • Open your Excel file and copy the numeric strings from the ‘Phone’ column:

      • Paste these phone numbers into a special field.

      ⚠️ Two important rules:

      🔶 Each phone number must start with a country code (1 or +1 for the US). In case these are absent - add them.

      🔶 Each query must go on a new line:

      • Launch the bot.

      🎥 Video guide

      Watch me explain how to quickly validate the extracted phone numbers:

      ✅ Results

      The bot has found out that one phone number is invalid. Delete it:

      Time to start cold calling! ☎️

      💡 Tip on optimizing your business phone numbers search

      If you would like to check the numeric strings from the ‘Maybe phone’ column, you’d better launch a separate job. If you validate the ‘Maybe phone’ column together with the ‘Phone’ column, it will be difficult to work with the resulting table and to distinguish which phone numbers relate to which companies.

      FAQ about how to find business contacts in bulk

      You often ask me for help with this issue. Here are my answers to some real-life questions that I received from you:

      How to create a business emails database on your own?

      1. Export the relevant companies’ websites using the Google Search Scraper.
      2. Extract these companies’ emails with the help of the Phone, Email and Contact Scraper.
      3. Validate the exported emails using the Email Validator.

      Your email database is ready for use!

      How to find business emails for marketing campaigns?

      1. Extract as many emails as possible following the steps described in this article.
      2. Select the emails that contain people’s names rather than the impersonal info@... and hello@... emails.
      3. Bombard real people with your irresistible offers!

      How to lookup business phone numbers in bulk?

      1. Export the relevant companies’ websites using the Google Search Scraper.
      2. Extract these companies’ phone numbers with the help of the Phone, Email and Contact Scraper.
      3. Validate the exported phone numbers using the Phone Number Validator.

      Your phone database is ready for use!

      How to export business addresses and phone numbers of companies by region?

      The bots mentioned in this article can’t scrape addresses. Use another tool called the Google Maps Scraper to export addresses, phone numbers and emails of local businesses by region or, on the contrary, to search for business by phone number (paragraph ‘Google Maps Scraper: the normal use’).

      How can I find emails and LinkedIn profiles of senior technical leadership for companies like Bosch or Samsung?

      I can’t describe this in a couple of words but this question is so frequent that I’ve decided to write a detailed guide on how to find business contacts and on how to find emails of CEOs. Use it to your advantage!

      How to make up a list of car insurance companies’ phone numbers?

      1. Export the car insurance companies’ websites using the Google Search Scraper. Enter car insurance as your keyword in the bot settings.
      2. Extract these companies’ phone numbers with the help of the Phone, Email and Contact Scraper.
      3. Validate the exported phone numbers using the Phone Number Validator.

      How to scrape email contacts of companies in Dubai?

      1. Export the relevant companies’ websites using the Google Search Scraper. Enter Dubai into the ‘Location’ field.
      2. Extract these companies’ emails with the help of the Phone, Email and Contact Scraper.
      3. Validate the exported emails using the Email Validator.

      Today you’ve learned how to create a database of business contacts on your own. Hope this helps! Now you can search for business phone numbers and emails of absolutely any company in no time and make a good impression on your boss 💪

      One last tip: make sure that your cold emails and phone calls sound attractive to your potential clients. Words are more powerful than we can imagine! While contacts search can and should be automated, your text should sound human and heart-warming.

      An emotional text written by a talented author combined with smart automation software will do wonders for your marketing campaigns!

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