
    How to Find the Best SEO Keywords for Interior Design


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      Key statistics from EarthWeb reveal that 5.06 billion people use search engines worldwide. This means there is no better time to leverage SEO for your interior design venture 🏠 And if you don’t know how to find the most popular interior design keywords list, this is the day you’ll learn it!

      If you’re new to digital marketing and SEO, you may be tempted to think maybe SEO is not that worth it. Well, here are some facts:

      • SEO can increase your brand awareness
      • It’s a cost-effective way to generate leads without spending on ads
      • It gets you ahead of the competition

      Now, here’s the kicker: this article contains simple actionable steps to find the best SEO keywords for interior design that you can use on your website, including landing pages and blog posts.

      In the next few minutes, I will be describing several easy-to-use automation tools for finding the best-performing interior design keywords and boosting your website’s search engine ranking and visibility.

      In this step-by-step guide, you’ll learn:

      • How to extract and analyze your competitors’ interior design SEO keywords
      • How to extract search keywords for interior designers from people’s minds 🧠
      • How to filter the results and shortlist only the most-searched interior designer keywords; and
      • How to find free SEO keywords for interior design on YouTube

      Here’s an example part of the keyword list that we’re going to build by the end of this guide:

      The steps and strategies I’ll be showing you below have been tested and refined several times over and even in different industries.

      This guide is particularly based on how I helped a New York-based interior design client who wanted to attract business from beyond their neighborhood but didn’t know how to go about it.

      If you’re in this same situation, today is your lucky day.

      Without further delay, let’s get started!

      Google as a source of top interior designer keywords

      Step 1 - Analyzing your competitors’ interior keywords

      Analyzing your competitors' advertising keywords is one of the basic but powerful tactics in marketing. Not only does it give you an insight into their strategies and what’s already working, but it can be a rich resource for finding the best keywords for interior designers.

      Helping us to extract and analyze competitor paid ads keywords is the Domain PPC Keywords Finder. This tool will extract all of a domain's paid keywords for the past year in BULK.

      To gain access to the Domain PPC Keywords Finder and start extracting interior design advertising keywords from your competitors’ websites, you must first create an account on Botster. Registration is free and your credit is not even required:

      Once you’ve registered and verified your email address, you can then follow the steps below to find interior design keyword terms you can use in your advertising campaign:

      • Launch the Domain PPC Keywords Finder's start page by clicking on “Start bot”:

      • Next, name your job and specify if you want a folder for this project. I’ll name mine “Keywords for interior design website ads”:

      • Now, you need to provide a list of competitor websites the tool can pull keywords from (If you need a quick way to find them, check the “Tips” section below):

      • Under the field titled “Exclude domains”, enter the websites you’d like the bot to ignore:

      • The “Country code” field is optional but in case websites outside your target country get on your list, it can help you filter them out:

      • To put this tool on complete autopilot and let it routinely extract competitor PPC keywords for interior design for you, let it run periodically:

      • Next, set the run frequency for the tool:

      • Also let it deliver only new items on each subsequent run:

      • Set up your notification options, making sure you select the option that says “Attach results to the notification email”:

      • Finally, start the bot!

      On the next page, you should see something similar to the image below. Click on “Run now” and wait for the interior design keywords list in your email:

      And that’s it!

      Easy peasy!

      Video guide

      Watch a quick video guide on how to launch the Domain PPC Keywords Finder:


      Once the Domain PPC Keywords Finder is done collecting the keyword data, you will receive a notification in the email account you provided:

      Opening the attached file in Excel should give you something very similar to this:


      • To find your competitors’ websites in your city or state:
        • Launch the Google Maps Scraper and name your job.
        • Enter your search query “interior designer in California”, “Interior design firm in California” or both.
        • Select how many results you’d like to get under the field titled “Depth”.
        • Select your location in the maps widgets.
        • Launch the tool into action and wait for your results. The bot will extract your competitors’ websites in your city or state. Now you can use these websites to find the top keywords for interior design by launching the Domain PPC Keywords Finder as described above.
      • Analyze the number of clicks that your competitors receive per keyword.
      • Also analyze the costs of these clicks.
      • Now use the results of your analysis as a basis for your further keyword research.

      Step 2 - Extracting interior design SEO keywords from people’s minds

      Tool 1 - Google keyword suggestions: interior design search hints extractor

      Keeping the interior design PPC keywords we fetched from our competitors aside, we need to now find the keywords people use to find great interior designers on the Internet. Of course, we'll use Google, since it handles over 2/3 of searches on search engines.

      For this step, we'll be using the Google Search Suggestions Scraper. This tool will help us extract search suggestions from Google and other search engines and export them into an Excel file in BULK.

      Without a doubt, this is an excellent tool to find the best keywords for interior design companies on Google. It is fast, and it extracts just what it's supposed to extract — keyphrases.

      The keywords you’ll get from this tool are typically the most searched keywords for interior design, which is why Google automatically suggests them in the search bar.

      Setting up the Google Search Suggestions Scraper is quite straightforward. The steps are outlined below:

      • Launch the Google Search Suggestions Scraper's start page and name your job as I showed you earlier.
      • Next, select your desired target region and language. I'm still looking for interior keywords in California:

      • Select the search methods you want the tool to adopt:

      • Next, set a desired search depth:

      • Now, select other search engines if you would love to extract their data too:

      • Next, input your keywords. You can input multiple keywords but each one must go on a new line:

      • Remember to set your notification options, then click on “Start this bot” to launch the tool into action. This also launches the “My jobs” page to display something like this:

      And that's it! Just 7 easy steps within a minute and you can have as many as 100 interior design popular keywords just like that!

      Video guide

      Watch me demonstrate how to launch the Google Search Suggestions Scraper in this short video:


      You can download the results extracted by the Google Search Suggestions Scraper by clicking on the XLS logo.

      Opening the file on your computer should give you something similar to this:

      • Scrape more keywords as described below and make one long keyword list.

      Tool 2 - The best keywords for interior design companies on Google: widgets extractor

      Next up, let’s find even more keywords related to interior design using the Google People Also Ask and Related Searches Exporter. This tool will scrape the content of the “People Also Ask” and “Related Searches” widgets and extract them into a spreadsheet.

      If you’re wondering: “What are keywords to use when advertising interior design business?”, there’s potential here. That’s because the keywords in these sections will usually have relatively high volume but low ad competition.

      Here’s how to set up the Google People Also Ask and Related Searches Exporter to scrape SEO keywords for interior designers for you:

      • Launch the tool's start page and name your job as we did earlier.
      • Enter your search keywords into the field titled “Search queries”. You can use new keywords or copy and paste in the results from the previous extraction:

      • Next, select which snippet you wish to extract:

      • Set your custom options as needed:

      • Also, select your desired location for the search. Ideally, this should be the city or state you’re targeting. So mine is still California:

      • Finally, set up time and scheduling options if you want the tool to run periodically or start at a later time:

      • Now you can start the bot and wait a moment while it gathers your interior design blog keyword snippets.

      Video guide

      Below is a video guide I made for this tool in case you’d like to watch me use it. Starting from 07:19, I’m explaining how to use the Google People Also Ask and Related Searches Exporter:


      The results of this extraction should look similar to this:


      • Sort all the keywords together from A to Z:

      • Separate questions from the rest of the keywords and use them as topics for your blog:

      • Find out which of these keywords have the highest search volume and, hence, are the most popular ones among potential clients as described in the next step ⬇️

      Step 3 - Shortlisting the most searched-for interior design keywords

      At this point, we already have a very long list of SEO keywords for interior design. Maybe too long, in fact, and we can’t possibly use all of it. Hence the need for this step.

      Now we’ll use the Search Volume and CPC Finder to fetch Google cost per click (CPC) and search volume data for these keywords. This tool can help distinguish between the best keywords for interior design and mediocre ones.

      Keywords with high search volume and low CPC typically perform excellently in both SEO and advertising. High volume means they are searched often, and a low CPC rate means there’s little competition for them. In short, low-competition keywords for interior design will perform better.

      Launching the Search Volume and CPC Finder involves just one step, meaning that this tool takes less than 10 seconds to set up:

      • On the Search Volume and CPC Finder’s start page, paste the keywords you’ve extracted into the field titled “Search keywords and phrases”:

      • Now click on “Start this bot” and you’re done already!

      Video guide

      Watch a quick video tutorial on how to use the Search Volume and CPC Finder:


      Opening the result file from this tool should give you this:


      • Sort the results in descending order by the “Volume” column, putting the list in a kind of order of importance.
      • I’ll also recommend that you use the keywords with the highest volume as headings on your site’s pages while the keywords with lower volume will be in the text body.
      • Read about using keyword grouping bots to sort your data as described in my guide on finding SEO keywords for beauty products.

      YouTube as a source of quality SEO keywords for interior designers

      At this point, we’re already okay with what we’ve found, considering that they are the most popular interior design keywords on Google. But I’d like to throw in a bonus step to help you find keywords even on YouTube.

      The YouTube Keyword Scraper scrapes search autocomplete suggestions from YouTube’s search bar and exports them into an Excel file in BULK as keywords. Interior design is a very interesting industry and you may find different keyword sets on Youtube.

      Just like the previous tools, the YouTube Keyword Scraper is equally easy to set up:

      • On the YouTube Keyword Scraper’s start page, select the region and language:

      • Select the search methods you’d prefer:

      • Select the depth:

      • In the field titled “Phrases”, input one or more interior design keywords. These could either be broad or targeted keywords:

      • Now launch the tool into action and wait for your results.

      Video guide

      Here’s the video guide for the YouTube Keyword Scraper:


      The YouTube Keyword Scraper has extracted the following interior design keywords:


      • My first recommendation is that you sort the results from A to Z. This makes it easier to analyze the data and filter out what’s not needed.
      • Second, since these keywords are the most searched keyword for interior design on YouTube, adding them to video titles and descriptions can make your videos more SEO visible.
      • If you would like to make your YouTube channel grow organically, my guide on SEO for YouTube videos is a resource you will find valuable.

      Free trial for the interior design keyword search tools

      I’m certain that at this point, you are wondering how much these tools cost to help extract the best keywords for interior designer websites from Google. Well, it will surprise you to know that using all these tools combined costs just around the same price as a single screwdriver 🪛, and their benefits are even way enormous.

      Besides, since you took time out to learn how to find interior design keywords so you can rank your business higher on search engines, it is quite evident that you thirst for growth. For that single reason, we are offering you a 7-day free trial that starts right after you open your Botster account.

      So for the next 7 days, you have unrestricted access to the dozens of tools available on Botster, and you can scrape keywords adjacent to interior design as you please.


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      Botster is a no-code platform

      • Extract data from the web
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