Searched for: review

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Monitoring bots
Reporting bots
Complex integrations
Web automation
Financial data
API workflows
Exports Amazon reviews about the given products
Extracts and downloads reviews from Google Maps
Scrapes TripAdvisor reviews for a given place of interest.
Extracts Booking com customer reviews for a given hotel.
Sends notifications about new YouTube views.
Sends Google Analytics event statistics to your inbox
Returns a list of websites that contain a certain image.
Sends Google Analytics goal statistics to your inbox
Follows redirects, displays their total count and final URL destination.
Monitor your on-site searches through Google Analytics and receive reports in your mailbox.
Regularly ensures your URLs redirect to proper locations.
Returns a list of first Google results for a provided set of search queries.
Returns status codes for up to 5,000 submitted URLs.
Extracts TripAdvisor search results
Extracts related keywords from Google Trends.
Scrapes hotel data from a list of properties.
Exports information about products offered by an Amazon seller
Generates complex cross-matching keywords based on your inputs.
Delivers your GA traffic numbers grouped by the channel at a specified time period.
Returns top landing pages of a selected website according to GA data
Extracts search hints from Google, Yahoo and Bing.
Forward JSON POST requests to your messengers
JSON to Email forwarder
Extracts images and their source URLs from Google Lens search results

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