Searched for: email

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Monitoring bots
Reporting bots
Complex integrations
Web automation
Financial data
API workflows
Сhecks if the email addresses you’ve provided are valid.
Finds LinkedIn accounts by email
Finds all email addresses having the same domain.
Retrieves emails from LinkedIn profiles based on location and keywords.
JSON to Email forwarder
Parses incoming emails into JSON format and forwards them as a POST request.
Forwards incoming emails to Slack or Telegram messengers.
Extracts contact information e.g. emails, phones and links to social networks from a list of websites.
Sends a notification when a domain is about to expire.
Extracts a list of products from Amazon based on a list of keywords.
Scrapes LinkedIn company employees details
Receive notifications when price of a product changes.
Captures screenshots by URLs in bulk
Exports a list of company employees from LinkedIn
Exports a list of company employees from LinkedIn
Sends periodic emails with new content from your subscriptions.
Monitors an RSS feed and notifies you if changes are made.
Extracts comments from any YouTube video.
Tracks the price of a specific product in a Shopify store.
Sends notifications when a product appears or disappears from a Shopify store.
Forward JSON POST requests to your messengers
Sends an alert whenever a URL responds with anything other than 200
Delivers your GA traffic numbers grouped by the channel at a specified time period.
Sends notifications about new YouTube views.
Shows Google search volume and CPC for a list of keywords.
Monitors item quantities changes of a Shopify store.
Checks a website's keywords rankings.
Sends an alert whenever a URL responds with anything other than 200
Checks if the phone numbers are valid.

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