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Get a custom BOT, from $150

Monitoring bots
Reporting bots
Complex integrations
Web automation
Financial data
API workflows
Extracts sitemap URLs with their response codes and response statuses.
Captures screenshots by URLs in bulk
Calculates occurrences of words or strings in a text block
Sends an alert whenever a URL responds with anything other than 200
Periodically checks whether a certain link is present on a web page and sends an alert if it's gone.
Periodically checks every URL in a sitemap and sends you a message if any of the URLs return errors.
Regularly ensures your URLs redirect to proper locations.
Sends periodic reports with your Pagespeed scores and performance.
Tracks the price of a specific product in a Shopify store.
Sends notifications when a product appears or disappears from a Shopify store.
Extracts URLs from a sitemap.xml file into a table.
Receive like and dislike notifications made under your videos.
Sends notifications about new YouTube views.
Monitors item quantities changes of a Shopify store.
Monitors keyword mentions on Google and various social networks.
Parses incoming emails into JSON format and forwards them as a POST request.
Monitors an RSS feed and notifies you if changes are made.

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