
    How to Make a Real Estate Broker Email List


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      guy laptop

      Do you work with data?

      Make this text into a bullet point list like so:

      • Automation
      • Data extraction
      • No-code tools

      Finding quality leads to build a real estate agent email list can be a daunting task. But you’ll be happy to know that you can learn it on a seat. You only need to give me a few minutes of your time. Over the next few moments, I’m going to show you:

      • How to find real estate email addresses
      • How to validate the email addresses you generate; and
      • How to use those emails to build a real estate agents’ email list

      In case you’re wondering how this can be possible within minutes, it's because I’m going to introduce you to some amazing easy-to-use automation tools that will handle the heavy lifting.

      You’ll only be there for the harvest. Interesting, ain’t it?

      Now, one question a lot of people may be asking is “Who may need to make bulk email lists of real estate agents and why?”

      Research and experience have shown me that the people and companies who need a real estate agent email address list are:

      • Marketing agencies looking to secure more business from real estate brokers.
      • Freelance digital marketers looking to market their services.
      • Freelance writers looking to expand their client base.
      • Bloggers whose blogs are targeted at real estate agents.
      • And many more!

      You see, a recent study uncovered that about 76% of businesses use automation for standardizing or automating daily workflows. So if you’re not leveraging automation for your lead generation, you’re several steps behind the competition.

      So for this step-by-step guide to building a real estate agent email database, let's use Florida as our target region!

      Finding real estate agent email addresses on LinkedIn

      You probably already know that LinkedIn is a gold mine of leads for businesses such as yours. However, you may not know exactly how to go about getting in front of them as easily and fast as possible.

      So I’ll start this guide by finding email addresses of real estate agents in Florida using LinkedIn.

      On LinkedIn, there are hidden email addresses and publicly available ones. But it will cause you much stress to add each person to your connections, then visit their profiles one after the other to copy email addresses.

      So is there a tool that can help you handle all of this?


      This is where I’ll introduce you to our first automation tool called the LinkedIn Email Miner.

      Using this automation bot is pretty straightforward. You only need to enter your keywords (e.g. “real estate broker” or “real estate agent”), specify your location (for example, Florida), and launch the bot into action!

      Before you can do any of this though, you must first create a free account with Botster, no credit card required. Botster gives you access to a ton of automation tools for tasks you never knew could even be automated.

      Upon login, your dashboard will look something like this:

      If you can see the page above, then you can start the process of generating the best real estate email addresses:

      • Name your job (e.g. “List of real estate agents’ email addresses”):

      • Enter your keywords related to real estate brokers.

      Note that each query must be on a new line, not separated by a comma:

      • Enter preferred location:

      • Enter preferred email masks:

      • Select how you’d like to receive your data:

      • Finally, start the bot!

      On the next page, you can see the bot running. Wait till it shows “completed” and you’ll receive your result in your email address:

      And that’s it!

      Easy peasy!

      Video tutorial

      By the way, if you’d like to watch me go through the steps instead of following the text above, here’s a video tutorial I prepared:


      The LinkedIn Email Miner has now exported the results and you can either view the file sent to your email or open the one in your Botster account.

      On the “My Jobs” page, click on “View data” to see the results:

      In less than 5 minutes, I was able to generate a real estate email address list with 780 entries. All with links to their profiles.

      Tips on how to use your list of estate agents’ email addresses

      • Send your pitch to the email addresses you’ve generated.
      • Vet the accounts of these people to confirm their relevance to your campaign. A person who no longer works as a broker, for instance, is not a good fit.
      • If you regularly do bulk mailing, my guide on how to make up a list of company emails and phone numbers in 5 minutes is definitely a must-read for you!

      How to get real estate agents’ email addresses on Google

      The LinkedIn Email Miner is not the only automation bot you can leverage to generate leads for your business. While it works pretty well, there are still other tools you can make use of.

      Now I'll be introducing you to two such tools:  the Google Maps Scraper and the Company Email Finder. These two tools work pretty differently from one another:

      • On the one hand, the Google Maps Scraper will scrape email addresses for you from the Google Maps database.
      • On the other hand, the Company Email Finder will help you extract every email address associated with a particular domain.

      A combination of these tools in your lead-generation campaign can make the difference in finding the right people for your business.

      Step 1: Creating an email list: real estate agencies search

      The steps below highlight the process of scraping email addresses from Google Maps:

      • Since you already have a Botster account, open the Google Maps Scraper’s start page.
      • Name your job (e.g. "Real estate agent email lists").
      • Enter your keywords making sure to include your target location.

      You can enter multiple keywords, but each one must be on a new line:

      • Select how many companies you’d like to get email addresses for:

      • (Optional) Select ‘your’ location on the map.

      Location affects search results, so you may want to set this to be the same as your target location:

      • Select how you’d like to receive your results.
      • And…. start the bot!

      On the next page, you can see the bot running. Wait till it shows “completed” and you’ll receive your result in your email address:

      Video tutorial

      If you’d prefer to watch me going through these steps, I’ve included a very short video for you below:


      The Google Maps Scraper has now exported the results and you can either view the file sent to your email or open the one in your Botster account.

      On the “My Jobs” page, click on “View data” to see the results:

      In just one minute, the Google Maps Scraper put together a ton of information on 400 real estate brokers in Florida. This includes their names, addresses, websites, phone numbers and more.

      Tips on how to use your list of estate agents’ email addresses

      • Remove duplicate entries: sort the table by ‘Title’ from A to Z to see them.
      • Remove your competitors: sort the results from A to Z by ‘Category’ to see their industry of operation.
      • Use other extracted data to your advantage. These include phone numbers, addresses, opening hours, etc.

      Step 2: Creating a real estate industry email list by domain

      Now, I’ll show you how to use the second tool I mentioned earlier, the Company Email Finder.

      As I said, it lets you extract all the email addresses that are associated with a particular domain name. So we can use it to extract email addresses from the companies list we just generated.

      For example, if a company’s website is, this tool will extract every email address that ends with Most companies nowadays use email addresses that contain their own URLs, so there’s a lot of potential in finding a company’s email address from their website URL.

      Follow the steps below to extract clever real estate email addresses from their domain.

      • In the results returned by the Google Maps Scraper earlier, copy out only the company websites:

      • Turn the website URLs into domain names like this: ➡️

      💡 Lifehack: You can either do this manually or automatically with the help of the Google First Result Finder as described in my post about B2B SaaS lead generation.

      Whichever route you take, you should arrive at something similar to this:

      • Now open the Company Email Finder’s start page.
      • Name your job, then copy and paste the domains.

      ⚠️ Each domain must go on a new line:

      • Select how you’d like to receive your results.
      • Launch the bot!

      Video tutorial

      Before we continue, I have made a video guide you can follow to learn how to use the Company Email Finder. You can watch it below:


      The Company Email Finder has now extracted every email address associated with the domain:

      You can see from the result above that there are 5 emails associated with (which I’ve blurred out for privacy).

      However, before you add any of these to your commercial real estate broker email list, you need to validate them first to ensure you have only valid email addresses on your list.

      That takes us to the next and final automation tool I will introduce to you in this tutorial — the Email Validator.

      Tips on how to use your list of estate agents’ email addresses

      • Only select email addresses that contain actual people’s names. This ensures that your emails are sent to an account owned and used by an actual person.
      • Delete email addresses that contain handles such as “info@”, “contact@”, “join@”, etc.
      • Use my lifehack to quickly find emails of CEOs on the long list of a company’s corporate emails.

      Validating your real estate email list

      Most people may assume that this final step is unnecessary or unimportant. But in the long run, it’s literally one of the best things you can do for your business.

      Validating your list of estate agents' email addresses is imperative for a number of reasons:

      • Reduce bounce rate: a high bounce rate on your email campaigns can harm your sender’s reputation. This can lead to your email being sent to the spam box instead of the inbox.
      • Improving engagement rate: having your emails delivered to people’s inboxes ensures that they see those emails. Hence they can engage with them.
      • Compliance with regulations: there are regulations such as the CAN-SPAM Act which govern email practices. Sending emails to only validated addresses is a pointer that you are not spamming.

      To validate your real estate agent email address list, use the Email Validator tool:

      • Open the Email Validator’s start page.
      • Paste the emails.

      ⚠️ Each email must go on a new line:

      • Select how you want to receive your results.
      • Launch the bot.


      The Email Validator found that all the emails we have above are valid. Now that’s lucky, and it won’t always be so.

      Sometimes, several of the emails you find may be invalid. In such cases, you must delete those ones before adding the emails to your mailing list. To delete all the invalid emails in one go, follow these simple steps:

      • Copy your results into a sheet file or open the sheet file sent to your email.
      • Sort the table from A to Z by the ‘Is valid’ column. This will bring all the entries having “false” in this column to the top, and the ones having “true” to the bottom.
      • Now select all the lines with “false” and press backspace on your keyboard to delete them.

      Now you’re left with only the valid email addresses.

      How much do real estate email lists cost?

      You might have been guessing all along that the tools I’ve introduced to you so far don’t come without a price.

      Well, you guessed right. What you might have guessed wrong is how much each one costs. You will be intrigued to learn that the tools I’ve described above allow you to get a virtually free list of real estate agents' email addresses online — the prices are far below expectations:

      • Exporting real estate agents’ emails with the help of the LinkedIn Email Miner will cost you only 5 cents for 1 keyword, 1 location, and 1 email mask.
      • The Google Maps Scraper will cost you 60 cents to extract 100 businesses and $1.5 to extract 700 businesses from Google Maps.
      • Finding all emails of one company using the Company Email Finder costs just 25 cents (no matter how many emails you find).
      • The Email Validator will check each email address for 1.5 cents.

      With the methods and processes I’ve introduced to you above, you can easily generate a virtually free real estate agent email list and run your campaigns with ease.

      If you’d rather spend more time doing productive tasks than boring repetitive ones, automation is the way. Go for it, and you’d be glad you did!

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      Do you work with data?

      Make this text into a bullet point list like so:

      • Automation
      • Data extraction
      • No-code tools
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      Try Botster tools for FREE. Sign up now

      Botster is a no-code platform

      • Extract data from the web
      • Monitor changes
      • Automate repetitive actions
      • Build your own bots
      • Use ready-made solutions
      • Custom projects for Enterprises
      • No coding knowledge required
      • Free to try
      • Web based
      • Teamwork supported
      • Results in CSV or Excel